Past Events
Breukelen Country Fair – 2019
February 18th, 11am-3pm
Drop in and explore the farmhouse with the family; hands-on crafts, self-guided exploration, scavenger hunts, and more. Visitors will be able to create their own Colonial inspired toys, such as spinning tops, whirligigs, and ball in a cup. FREE.
January 21st, 11am-3pm
Drop in and explore the farmhouse with the family; hands-on crafts, self-guided exploration, scavenger hunts, and more. FREE.
December 17th, 11am-3pm
Drop in and explore the farmhouse with the family; hands-on crafts, self-guided exploration, scavenger hunts, and more. FREE.
November 19th, 11am-3pm
Drop in and explore the farmhouse with the family; hands-on crafts, self-guided exploration, scavenger hunts, and more. FREE.
Saturday, December 3, 2016, 1-4p.m.
$5 Adults/ $3 Children under 10/ FREE for kids 2 and under
Explore New York City’s oldest house and learn how the Dutch tradition of Sinterklaas evolved into the American tradition of Santa Claus with traditional music, treats, stories, and crafts.
FREE for Museum Members and Cool Culture Families
October 29th, 11 am- 2pm
Drop in and join East Flatbush Village for a spooky festival! Decorate pumpkins, wear your costume, and join the Wyckoff House Museum in a spooky walk. FREE.
October 15th, 12 pm-3pm
Drop in and explore the farmhouse with the family; hands-on crafts, self-guided exploration, scavenger hunts, and more. FREE.
New Orleans, LA
Friday October 14 -Sunday October 16, 2016
Join cousins and friends for our annual family reunion. Relish the sights, sounds, and tastes of New Orleans with your cousins, old and new. Learn more about the weekend here.
Open House New York: Cellar to Attic Tours
Saturday, October 15th and Sunday, October 16th
Tours at 11am, 1pm, & 3pm
On our guided Open House tours, visitors get a rare opportunity to see the attic of a 17th-century Dutch colonial dwelling, featuring original timbers. Get a sneak peek at the 18th century root cellar, where staple foods would have been preserved through the winter.
Saturday September 24
1 pm – 5 pm
This day-long extravaganza of crafting, creating and hands-on fun celebrates Breukelen’s agricultural roots! Families & Friends—learn from the past and present how Breukelen grows!
Thread Lines: Cross-Cultural Textile Traditions in The Netherlands, The Caribbean, and New York
Saturday September 24
5 pm – 7 pm
Reception, exhibition, arts presentation, and performances celebrating inaugural arts residency with Farida Sedoc. More information coming soon.
Fridays, August 12 – September 23
3-6 pm
Join Surinamese-Dutch artist Farida Sedoc for open studio hours inside the 18th Century formal parlor of the Wyckoff Farmhouse. Sedoc invites visitors to visit her studio and process and even get hands-on and contribute to a collective textile work. FREE with museum admission.
Saturday August 20
11 am – 3 pm
Drop in and explore the farmhouse with the family; hands-on crafts, self-guided exploration, scavenger hunts, and more. FREE.
Saturday August 20
1 pm – 3 pm
It’s not too late to start gardening. There are many vegetables and herbs that do well in cooler temperatures — kale, collards, spinach, lettuce, swiss chard, rosemary and cilantro, to name a few.
Saturday August 6
1 pm – 3 pm
Smell, taste, discuss and make a few simple seasonal ferments. In this workshop we’ll explore and craft two delicious types of ferments that are easily made at home without any special ingredients or equipment.
Saturday July 16
11 am – 3 pm
Drop in and explore the farmhouse with the family; hands-on crafts, self-guided exploration, scavenger hunts, and more. FREE.
Saturday July 16
1 pm – 3 pm
This workshop focuses on the process of cloth making from raw fleece and roving (cleaned, carded fleece) to yarn and felted fabrics. $8 Material Fee.
Monday July 4 – Friday July 8; 5-6pm daily tours
Thursday July 7, 6-8pm Home Performance Crash Course for Homeowners
Saturday July 9, 7-9pm Indie film screening of The Other One
The Lundsford family in their #tinylab Tiny House will be at the Wyckoff Farmhouse for the week of July 4-9. Visit for daily tiny house tour, and special sustainability tours of the Wyckoff Farmhouse. Sign up for one of their free workshops and learn about how you can have a more sustainable home. HERE!
All #tinylab Tiny House events at the Wyckoff House Museum are FREE.
Saturday July 2
In this hands-on medicine making class we will focus on creating a home first aid kit for summer maladies. We will address the following conditions: cuts and scrapes, burns (sun and fire), bug bites, muscle aches, bleeding and bruises, and poison ivy and poison oak rash. We will talk about safety and effectiveness of various ingredients as well as child friendly dosages. Extensive handouts will be provided. Materials fee: $8.
Community Town Hall + Family Day
Saturday June 18
11 am
Get involved and help grow our community. Rediscover our community jewel, the Wcykoff Farmhouse. Open to all community members. FREE.
Thursday June 9
11 am
Join us a 25 community members become naturalized citizens of the United States. Ceremony will be accompanied by house tours and light refreshments. Limited space available to public. RSVP required.
Saturday, June 18, 2016 – 2:30-4:30 p.m.
Did you know your cupboards and refrigerator shelves contain a vast array of dyestuffs that can be used to naturally color you clothes? Onion skins! Purple cabbage! Black beans! Join us for this workshop where we’ll cover the basics of natural dyeing processes as well as learn how to make dye baths from spices, dry goods as well as fresh vegetables. Materials fee: $8.
Lisa Sikorski is an artist and educator who has been working with fiber for over 20 years. She started the urban homesteading project faux(h) at the farmhouse, teaching workshops on natural dyes, canning and simple medicinals. When she is not homesteading, she can be found chasing after tiny fiber superstars at the Textile Arts Center where she manages the Brooklyn Youth Education Program.
Saturday March 19
11 am – 3 pm
Drop in and explore the farmhouse with the family; hands-on crafts, self-guided exploration, scavenger hunts, and more. FREE.
Saturday, March 26th, 2016
11 am – 2 pm
Join neighbors and friends from East Flatbush Village and the office of Council Member Jumaane Williams for a community Easter Egg Hunt at the Wyckoff Farmhouse Museum. Hunt for Easter eggs, meet the Easter Bunny, enjoy refreshments, games and more!
January 16, 11am-3pm
Drop in and explore the farmhouse with the family; hands-on crafts, self-guided exploration, scavenger hunts, and more. FREE.
Saturday, December 5, 2014, 1-4p.m.
$5 Adults/ $3 Children under 10/ FREE for kids 2 and under
Explore New York City’s oldest house and learn how the Dutch tradition of Sinterklaas evolved into the American tradition of Santa Claus with traditional music, treats, stories, and crafts.
FREE for Museum Members and Cool Culture Families
December 19, 11am-3pm
Drop in and explore the farmhouse with the family; hands-on crafts, self-guided exploration, scavenger hunts, and more. FREE.
November 21, 11am-3pm
Drop in and explore the farmhouse with the family; hands-on crafts, self-guided exploration, scavenger hunts, and more. FREE.
October 24, 11am-3pm
Drop in and explore the farmhouse with the family; hands-on crafts, self-guided exploration, scavenger hunts, and more. FREE.
Somerset, NJ
Saturday October 17, 2015
Join cousins and friends for our annual family reunion. At this one-day reunion we will host a family picnic in Colonial Park, Somerset NJ and visit the nearby Wyckoff-Garretson House, build by Pieter Claessen’s grandson John Wyckoff. Learn more here and rsvp to Melissa at [email protected].
Open House New York: Cellar to Attic Tours
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Tours at 11am, 1pm, & 3pm
On our guided Open House tours, visitors get a rare opportunity to see the attic of a 17th-century Dutch colonial dwelling, featuring original timbers. Get a sneak peek at the 18th century root cellar, where staple foods would have been preserved through the winter.
September 26, 2015, 1 – 5 pm
This day-long extravaganza of crafting, creating and hands-on fun celebrates Breukelen’s agricultural roots! Families & Friends—learn from the past and present how Breukelen grows!
Summer Workshop Series: Creative Homesteading
Select Saturdays at 1 pm
June 20: Garden Basics
July 11: Medicinal Herbs
July 18: Spinning and Felting
August 1: Soap Making
August 8: Natural Dyeing
August 29: Canning & Pickling
September 12: Ferments
Get your hands dirty in the garden, experiment with natural dyes, learn about herbal medicine, preserve your harvest, and more at the oldest house in New York!
Landmarks Day Celebration
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Join us for a full day of activities, commemorating the 50th Anniversary of New York City’s Landmarks Law at the Wyckoff House Museum, the city’s first landmarked structure.
10:30 – 12 TOUCH! Family Open House
Explore New York City’s house with the whole family! Drop in anytime from 10:30 a.m. to noon for engaging exploration of the farmhouse and hands-on learning. Children are invited to touch artifacts, try their hand at colonial crafts, and hunt for clues as history detectives.
Recommended for families with children 3 and up. Children must be accompanied by adults.
12 – 1 TOUR! Behind the Dutch Doors
At noon, step back in time with senior tour docent Lucie Chin for an hour-long tour of the Wyckoff Farmhouse highlighting its architectural features. Visitors will explore Dutch influences on early American architecture as witnessed in the design of the city’s only remaining structure from the Dutch colonial period.
2 – 4 TALK! Neighborhoods of Brooklyn
Join us for author and professor emeritus John B. Manbeck’s lecture, Neighborhoods of Brooklyn. Professor Manbeck will share the story of Brooklyn’s transformation from agrarian outpost for New Amsterdam into the city it is today. Lecture is followed by a Q&A with the speaker, accompanied by refreshments
This lecture is sponsored by the New York Council for the Humanities, Speakers in the Humanities program. Landmarks Day is sponsored, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.
Saturday, April 4, 2015
11 am – 2 pm
Join neighbors and friends from East Flatbush Village and the office of Council Member Jumaane Williams for a community Easter Egg Hunt at the Wyckoff Farmhouse Museum. Hunt for Easter eggs, meet the Easter Bunny, enjoy refreshments, games and more! Check out photos from the event.
December 6, 2014, 1-4p.m.
$5 Adults/ $3 Children under 10/ FREE for kids 2 and under
Explore New York City’s oldest house and learn how the Dutch tradition of Sinterklaas evolved into the American tradition of Santa Claus with traditional music, treats, stories, and crafts.
FREE for Museum Members and Cool Culture Families
HALLOWEEN HARVEST with East Flatbush Village
October 25, 2014, 11a.m-1p.m
Discover the magic of Halloween at NYC’s oldest house. Crafts, food, games, colonial superstitions & haunted history.
3rd Annual Breukelen Country Fair
Saturday, September 27, 2014, 1p.m-5p.m
Celebrate the fall harvest with the 3rd Annual Breukelen Country Fair at NYC”s oldest house. Celebrate Brooklyn’s long agricultural history with garden activities, crafts, cider pressing, house tours, games, hands-on fun, and more. Visit the Country Fair page to learn more about this year’s events.
*Food, some games and activities require ticket purchase
OPEN HOUSE NEW YORK: Cellar to Attic Tours
Saturday, October 11 & Sunday, October 12, 2014
Tours at 11am, 1pm, & 3pm
On our guided Open House tours, visitors get a rare opportunity to see the attic of a 17th-century Dutch colonial dwelling, featuring original timbers. Get a sneak peek at the 18th century root cellar, where staple foods would have been preserved through the winter.
Easter Egg Hunt with East Flatbush Village
Saturday, April 19th, 2014, 11a.m-2p.m
Come celebrate the holiday season at the Wyckoff Farmhouse. Hunt for Easter eggs, meet the Easter Bunny and make Easter crafts with East Flatbush Village.
LECTURE: The Iroquois (Haudenosaunee) Influence on Woman’s Rights
Sunday, March 23rd, 2014, 2-4p.m.
RSVP required: [email protected]
Join Dr. Sally Roesch Wagner as she details traditional Iroquois society’s radical women’s rights and how they were envied and praised by early feminists Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Matilda Joslyn Gage.
The talk will be followed by an informal Q&A and high tea.
This lecture is sponsored by the New York Council for the Humanities, Speakers in the Humanities program.
December 7, 2013, 12-4p.m.
$5 Adults/ $3 Children under 10/ FREE for kids 2 and under
Explore New York City’s oldest house and learn how the Dutch tradition of Sinterklaas evolved into the American tradition of Santa Claus with traditional music, treats, stories, and crafts.
Start the day off at noon with a traditional concert by colonial balladeer Linda Russell. Enjoy a special visit from St. Nicholas as he arrives on horseback at 2pm. Grab a carrot and feed St. Nicholas’s faithful horse before signing the Red Book of who’s been naughty and who’s been nice. Sip on cider as Sinterklaas tells the tale of The Bakers Dozen before Santa Claus arrives at 3pm for photos and visits with the kids.
Games, food and crafts will continue throughout the day: Try your hand at colonial games, nosh on holiday food to warm your soul, create a traditional pomander, or paint a Dutch clog for Sinterklaas before the outdoor tree decorating and lighting as the sun goes down.
FREE for Museum Members and Cool Culture Families
October 26, 2013, 1-5 p.m.
$5 Adults/ $3 Children under 10
Discover the magic of Halloween at NYC’s oldest house. Crafts, food, games, colonial superstitions & haunted history.
FREE for Museum Members and Cool Culture Families
Saturday, October 12 & Sunday, October 13
Tours at 11am, 1pm, & 3pm
Take this rare opportunity to see the attic of a 17th-century Dutch colonial dwelling, featuring original timbers. Get a sneak peek at the 18th century root cellar, where staple foods would have been preserved through the winter. The guided tour explores the interior of the oldest structure in New York City and highlights a special document dating to 1670 from the museum archives. Finish your experience at the Wyckoff House Museum with refreshments and Dutch cookies.
Saturday, August 24th, 2-5 p.m.
East Flatbush favorite and Wyckoff House neighbor, FootPrints Cafe, hosts this free back to school event at the Wyckoff Farmhouse, featuring giveaways for kids, food and refreshments catered by FootPrints, games, prizes, live entertainment, music, popcorn, cotton candy, balloon animals and facepainting. For more information call FootPrints Cafe at 718-451-3181.
TANGRA SUMMER FEAST- with The ABCD’s of Cooking and Appetite for China
August 25, 2013, 5-8 p.m.
Dinner Ticket
Price: $55, Purchase tickets here
Tangra Summer, brought to you by Diana Kuan & Chitra Agrawal, is a vegetarian, seasonal Indo-Chinese feast at the historic Wyckoff Farmhouse Museum. The meal will feature 7 dishes served family-style that highlight summer’s bounty. Your dinner will also include local beers or non-alcoholic seasonal drinks. Part of the meal will feature Indian vegetables grown locally by Wyckoff’s head gardener Jason Gaspar.
Dinner will be served at 6pm, but doors will open at 5pm so you can come view the farm, hang out in the garden, drink beers, and play lawn games (bowling, bocce, or horse shoes).
Ticket price includes: A spectacular 7-course dinner set in 17th-century farmhouse, drinks, gratuity, and plenty of fun to cap off the summer.
IN THE HOUSE- Yukako Kondo and Remembrance of Things Past
August 1, 2013, 5 – 8 pm – Opening Reception
6:30 pm Performance by Mi Hee Lee
The Wyckoff House Museum hosts its first art exhibit, organized by independent curator and Museum intern, Yena Lee. Seoul and Tokyo based artist Yukako Kondo introduces her breathtaking still-life paintings to American audiences.
Please join us for an opening reception with the artist and curator. Enjoy cocktails, snacks and tours of the house and exhibition. The evening includes a special site-specific performance by internationally renowned dancer, Mi Hee Lee.
Exhibition runs August 2-17, 2013
Free Admission for Exhibition
Session I: August 5-9, 2013, 9am-3pm
Session II: August 19-23, 2013, 9am-3pm
Ages: 6-12 years old, $250 a camper per session ($25 registration fee)
Grow. Plant. Make. Play. Dig In! Young farmers and gardeners have a unique opportunity to explore past and present farming practices on the historic Wyckoff Farm. See full program description here. For more information or to register email [email protected] or call (718)629-5400.
SUMMER STOOP – A Celebration of Brooklyn’s Stoop Culture
July 28, 2013, 1-5 p.m.
Bring your friends, get out of the house, and come visit the “stoep” of New York City’s oldest house. Featuring games that have brought neighborhoods together for ages, Summer Stoop is a FREE afternoon event celebrating street and stoop life in Brooklyn, past and present.
Gather around as storyteller Robin Bady spins tales about Brooklyn’s colorful past. Local steel drum musicians will entertain and hot dogs homemade lavender lemonade, and other treats will be available for purchase.