
No matter which of the 50+ spellings of the surname Wyckoff you use (Wikoff, Wycoff, Wicoff etc.), it is likely your lineage can be traced to one of Pieter and Grietje’s eleven children.  In fact, it is believed that descendants of Pieter and Grietje now number in the tens (if not hundreds) of thousands.

Our Genealogist

In 2024, we welcomed our new family genealogist, Cousin Jason Wyckoff. Based in Nashville, Tennessee. Jason bring his IT background to expand and reimagine the Wyckoff family network.

On October 17, 2024, Jason led a talk on the current state of our database, which you can watch here:

Genealogical Information

Family Bibles, local courthouses, and the older members of your family are always a good place to start your search, but the Wyckoff Association has decades worth of  genealogical submissions, including those found in the newest edition of The Wyckoff Family in America, previously published volumes (‘Orange Books’) and CDs.

Today you can can access The Wyckoff Family in America in digital form, via download or on a physical thumb drive. The digital family tree genealogy is updated annually with new family members and information you provide. Submissions for the next year’s version are due by October 31. Purchase the updated Wyckoff Family in America on our store:

Digital Download ($40) 

Thumbdrive ($50)

Share Your Family History

Email Jason: [email protected] 

What to Share: Help keep our genealogical information current by sending important family events or new family members to the Wyckoff Association. Family events to share with our volunteer genealogist Jason Wyckoff include:

  • Births
  • Deaths
  • Marriages

Please be sure to include dates, places, and sources for events and new information when available. Material for the notes section is an important part of our Wyckoff heritage (otherwise we just have a bunch of names and dates).  Additional information might include education, military service, occupation/career, special awards, personal characteristics, interesting events, or places of residence.

A Note about Past Research and Publications

Despite some published claims to the contrary, including fanciful suggestions that Pieter Claesen descended from Swedish nobility, there is no documented information regarding either his birth or parentage.  The Wyckoff Association’s fact-based history of Pieter starts with his arrival on this continent aboard the Rensselaerwyck in 1637 where he was listed on the passenger list as Pieter Claesen of Norden (located in East Friesland (Frisia), now West Germany).  Recent research by M. William Wykoff and others strongly indicates that Pieter may have hailed from a small farming community in East Friesland called Wykhof (from whence he probably chose his surname in accordance with the regional custom at the time).

Copyright © 2015 Wyckoff House & Association, Inc.